Welcome to Tollundgaard Autocamperplads

Welcome to our farm.

We hope that you will enjoy a pleasant stay.

Your hosts are Martin and Mikael, who are the owners of Tollundgaard.

You will maybe also see Lene, she is the daily manager in the reception.

There are also receptionists, kitchen staff and greenkeepers.


​Price for stay is dkk. 150,- pr. night

Surcharge for electricity dkk. 20,-

(Payment is valid until the following day at 13pm)

When using our emptying facilities and toilet/shower without overnight stay dkk.100 is paid.

Payment takes place in our reception at arrival.

The reception opens at 08am every day

The closing time for the reception varies, but in the summer will be approx. at 20.00, 

in winter approx. at 18.00

On arrival after the receptions opening hours, 

payment will be made in the reception the following morning

Late arrival paymentcan also be done by using Vipps/mobilepay

Mobilepay: 950 734 (Tollundgaard Golf Park)

 Please state licence plate number.


There is a 24-hours toilet and bathing facilities at the motorhome site.

There is also an emptying area, (use the black pipe for emptying toilet water). 

Water can also be filled here.


Dkk 75,- per person

Breakfast at the reception can be purchased additionally.​

Breakfast must be ordered in advance the day before before 18.00.

The breakfast consists of bread

a plate with cheese, ham  and lots of fruits

juice, coffee and tea.

Activities at Tollundgaard

In the following, some of the activities we can offer are reviewed.


This package is aimed at all motorhome guest, regardless of golf level.

​1 token for driving range. (including loan of golf equipment.)

1 entrance to 18-hole mini golf

Price DKK 99,- per person

The small golf offer can be purchased from 1/3 to 15/10 and is guaranteed fun.


1 token for the driving range

1  entrance to 18-hole mini golf

1 greenfee for 9-holes on the golf course

Price DKK 249,- per person

If you are an experienced golf player, do not miss out on a round on our wonderful golf course. We have the above offer for guests at our motorhome site


We have marked a 5 km hiking route around Tollundgaard.

The route goes around the lake, around the golf course and out in Tollund Forest.​

Pick up a walking tour brochure in the reception

If you enjoyed your stay, please give us a good review on

Park4night, Camper Contact, Stellplatz

or which directory app you are currently using. It helps us a lot.


​Tollundgaard Golf Park

100 hektar med park, søer og skov.

Naturskønt, rekreativt, folkeligt med gode aktiviteter.

Brug os til luft i hverdagen, hygge i weekenden og til livets store fester


86 85 10 08

E-mail: golf@tollundgaard.dk

Følg livet på Tollundgaard på​


Tollundgaard Golf Park

Tollundvej 3
8600 Silkeborg

CVR: 29844062